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1. Gummin DD, Mowry JB, Beuhler MC, Spyker DA, Bronstein AC, Rivers LJ, Pham NPT, Weber J. 2020
Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers' National Poison Data System (NPDS): 38th Annual Report Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2021 Dec;59:1282-1501.
2. Deliberador TM, Marengo G, Scaratti R, Giovanini AF, Zielak JC, Filho FB. Accidental aspiration in a
patient with Parkinson's disease during implant-supported prosthesis construction: a case report Case Reports Spec Care Dentist. Sep-Oct 2011;31:156-61.
3. Mulita F, Panagiotopoulos I, Verras GI, Liolis E, Tchabashvili L, et al. Accidental ingestion of a dental bur in an 84-year-old male. Clin Case Rep. 2022 Mar 6;10:e05488.
4. Hou R, Zhou H, Hu K, Ding Y, Yang X, Xu G, Xue P, Shan C, Jia S, Ma Y. Thorough documentation of the accidental aspiration and ingestion of foreign objects during dental procedure is necessary: review and analysis of 617 cases. Head Face Med. 2016 Jul 22;12:23.
5. Worthington P. Ingested foreign body associated with oral implant treatment: report of a case Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. Sep-Oct 1996;11:679-81.
6. de Souza JG. Accident in implant dentistry; involuntary screw driver ingestion during surgical procedure. A clinical report J. Prosthod 2012;21:191-3
7. El Wazani B, Nixon P, Butterworth CJ. Accidental Ingestion of an Implant Screwdriver: A Case Report and Literature Review. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent. 2018;26:184-189.
8. Pingarrón M L. Bronchial impaction of an implant screwdriver after accidental aspiration: report of a case and revision of the literature. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;14:43-7
9. Kim A. Endoscopic removal of an aspirated healing abutment and screwdriver under conscious sedation. Implant Dent. 2014;23:250-2.
10. Catalano M. Patient death occurs subsequent to swallowed dental tool. 2010 Malpractice minute. Accessed 05/02/2022
11. Bergermann M, Donald PJ, AWengen DF. Screwdriver aspiration. A complication of dental implant placement. 1992;21:339-41
12. Abusamaan M, Giannobile WV, Jhawar P, Gunaratnam NT. Swallowed and aspirated dental prostheses and instruments in clinical dental practice: a report of five cases and a proposed management algorithm. J Am Dent Assoc. 2014;145:459-63.
13. Araujo SCS, Bustamante JED, de Souza AAB, Peixoto LC, Amaral MBF. Aspiration of dental items: Case report with literature review and proposed management algorithm. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021;21:S2468-7855
14. Musu D, Mameli A, Carreras P, Boero GN. Management of an Accidental Ingestion of a Manual Screwdriver in Implant Dentistry: A Case Report. European Journal of General Dentistry. 2021;10:060-3.
15. Jain A, Baliga SD. Accidental implant screwdriver ingestion: A rare complication during implant placement. J Dent (Tehran) 2014;11:711-4
16. Dental implant failure rises over 40%. Beckers Dental Review. 6.14.2017 accessed 05/02/2022
17. Applebaum M. A new device to prevent aspiration or swallowing of implant screwdrivers. J Prosthodont. 2019;28:332-334
18. Ratnaditya A. A simplified method of preventing implant hex drive from aspiration or accidental swallowing during stage two implant recovery J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2014;4(Suppl 1):S23- 5.
19. Chou JC. Technique for using an implant driver and tether system. J. Prosthet Dent. 2020;124:23-5
20. Wadhwani, C., DDS, MSD (March 2023). Tips For Successful Implant Screw Joints. Decisions in Dentistry. 9(3)20.